If a project can be measured in days, hours or minutes it can be measured with speed and precision.
If you need to create a project in a particular area or in a particular environment, you can define. "You can load multiple projects at once."
If you have a particular target audience or set of features that you need to address.
"I'm listening to my own music."
"I'm reading the labels."
"I'm taking down notes."
"I'm working with my notes in my screen while I'm listening to my music."
"I'm trying to figure out what I'm listening to."
"I'm creating a playlist."
"I'm having a conversation with myself."
"I'm reading the names of songs and albums in the playlist."
"I'm listening to my music and taking notes."
"I'm creating a document based on the labels."
"I'm creating a tag cloud based on the notes."
"I'm looking at my notes in the tag cloud."
"I'm comparing notes."
"I'm adding notes to the tags."
"I'm making a to-do list based on my tags."
"I'm looking at my to-do list."
"I'm taking down notes about the to-do list."
"I'm comparing the notes I've taken down."
"I'm making a to-do list based on my notes."
"I'm looking at my to-do list."
"I'm listening to my music."
"I'm reading the labels."
"I'm creating a document based on the labels."
"I'm making a tag cloud based on the labels."
"I'm looking at the tags."
"I'm comparing the tags."
"I'm creating a playlist."
"I'm taking notes about the playlist."
"I'm listening to my music and taking notes."
"I'm creating a document based on the notes."
"I'm creating a tag cloud based on the notes."
"I'm looking at the notes."
"I'm creating a playlist." ac619d1d87
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